My Experience of Meeting Three Principles

I suffer from a mental illness, bipolar disorder.

My Diary – Excerpts From the Diary From the Period Before Meeting Three Principles

Let’s start with my troubles. Every time I relax, an old pain, injury, discomfort or just a habit breaks out. Now my leg hurts from the hip down and I can’t sleep from the pain. Like everything in life, nothing is ideal, and so neither is my life. That raises a lot of questions. Why even start writing a diary?

Everything revolves around me and my needs. I told myself that I would do my best to bring myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and mentally to an optimal state. Physically, I should strengthen my torso and reduce my weight with exercise and a regulated diet. Mentally maintain a stable state and try not to have bad periods when I am confused and disoriented. I am emotionally very bad, I am still suffering and I wonder if the future is ahead of me in terms of love.

Mostly I feel dull and numb. The weekend comes and goes in a flash. That’s not how you live. One should breathe with full lungs and live.

I try so hard that no one notices me and I avoid contact and I constantly live in stress. Isn’t it easy to talk to people and express yourself as a person, a being? I am more and more closed and cut off from the world, surrounded by a technology that serves no purpose. My phones, computers, and tablets are in vain when I’m not using them and I don’t enjoy them, they are just a burden.

I made a wall around myself, hid from the others so as not to reveal my great secret. It is a matter of choice whether you will be open and calm, driven by feelings, or continue to live in your universe by looking at people as stars without communication. I have a great fear of expressing myself and I feel the physical consequences, my head twitches, and my neck stiffens, I sweat excessively.

I intentionally don’t take tranquilizers because my anxiety takes its toll. I think all the symptoms related to back problems lie in the tension and constant worry about my surroundings. Stress is just part of the spectrum that catches me in any situation that requires my full engagement. I can’t communicate with a colleague, with the boss, to some extent with the parents, and with some close person in the future… that I don’t even think about…

New Dawn

I discovered something new!

All that’s going on around me is a picture in my head, it’s just thoughts. When you remove your thoughts, all you have left is awareness.

So I met Darko and set out on the path of liberation from all fears and sufferings. You do nothing, and the brain expands into space like a balloon full of air and you feel phenomenal.

Thanks to THREE PRINCIPLES, I got rid of stress, tension, and anxiety. This experience is something I would recommend to everyone because it releases that inner SELF, a little child who just wants to play.
