Let me describe to you how I feel about money for quite some time now. It’s not just my story, but it’s a certain state of mind that exists as a foundation of our being, prior to our personal thinking – what they taught us about money, work and security. It’s a natural and intuitive feeling about those things that comes with the insight and faith in the universal intelligence of the Universe. It comes with seeing more truth.

The basic false belief that almost everybody carries whether they see it or not is that the Universe is basically a lump of matter with no underlying intelligence. Even people that declare themselves as believers – that in theory (on the level of the personal, intellectual mind) accept God as a deeper intelligence that underlies life, even almost all of them don’t have faith that God or Universe takes care of them.

And exactly that was what Jesus was pointing to when he said:

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they?

That is the truth. The deep truth that we cannot grasp with or personal minds, but can rather feel it in ourselves. It’s all alright, you are being taken care of. Universe is intelligent. Everything, every situation, every event has its perfect place in the weaving of this reality. Universe wanted you to live and to have the experience of life. And therefore it will support your existence. You don’t have to worry, you don’t have to struggle. It’s just a story they told us again and again while we were growing up. And of course, we believed it.

There is a way of seeing through this story, this veil of false beliefs. The realization that it was just our thinking that generated an image of a world in which we have to struggle to survive. With that realization, this whole mental construct drops off. And with it’s dropping off, a default natural lightheartedness, enthusiasm, carefreeness and faith emerges to the surface by itself and becomes our everyday state.

So, how does your life look like when you know you are being taken care of, when you know that everything you need will come to you?

This knowing / inner feeling / faith is what gives you total freedom in the field of work, money and material existence.

That means that you no longer believe that your material existence comes from your job, your boss or your clients, but that they were rather just mechanisms via which the Universe was giving you what you need. The mechanism is not important, it can change and for some people it changes all the time.

The point which it makes more sense to focus on is the fact that it is happening. The Universe gives. In various ways. Often, when we think of that, we tend to restrict the idea of giving to money. But giving happens in a much wider range of ways, which is best seen in situations when we are broke – then gifts so obviously just keep on coming.

You are taken care of.

I know this idea sounds a bit like drifting in the clouds and not down to Earth reality, but it is true, a long-forgotten basic fundamental truth.

So, when you know you are taken care of, it doesn’t make sense anymore to do work you don’t like but think you have to do in order to thrive. You just let go. You start doing what you really love doing. For some people, their hobbies become their jobs. You start doing more of what you really want and less of what you think you have to.

Then the term job starts to change for you. There is no more work in the usual sense. There is just doing, doing what you want and enjoying enormously in the process. And contrary to our personal minds’ belief of what is possible, most often that becomes the mechanism through which the Universe gives you money or whatever you need for your material existence.

In other words, you begin to earn from that which was your greatest passion and joy.

Alan Watts talks about this subject beautifully in this short video.

In a way, you begin to feel like you have a sponsorship from God.

And the more faith you have and the less you worry, the more you see and experience this sponsorship happening in terms of financial well-being and what is more important in terms of an inner feeling of abundance and serenity. 

There is a word for that which starts happening more and more often – serendipities. As you are more and more in a laid back, relaxed state of mind, you get a feeling of the natural effortless flow of life, of Life just unfolding itself. And when you are in that feeling, your circumstances more and more often turn out beneficial for you even when it seemed totally opposite at a certain moment.

I guess, the next question would be: “Ok, but how can I see, feel that I have a sponsorship from God, bills still seem very real, a possibility of lack of money still seems very real?”

This feeling of trust and being taken care of comes with an inner shift which comes with understanding the role of the principle of thought in creating your life experience. It comes with understanding your Innate Health. You don’t have to do anything – you just have to get it – understand, see on a fundamental level.