For a long time, I struggled with panic attacks in the form of intense heart beating, each time thinking it was the end – “Heart beating, I will die, my heart will stop!” And for years I dealt with these situations by accumulating destructive thoughts of resistance that consisted of new piles of ideas… how to solve it, how to get rid of it. And then, after I came across the Three Principles… a miracle happened: in the next such attack, I simply accepted the situation, said to myself, “Okay, that’s the end.” and accepted: “Whatever happens will be.” And then, miraculously, my heart calmed down, I calmed down and everything returned to normal.

And that was the end. I don’t remember the last time a real panic attack happened to me. Nowadays, a similar situation happens very rarely, but every time, I accept and say: “Ok, if has to be, let it be.” And now I have peace.
