A Personal Experience of a 5-day Mountain Retreat

When you come to an unknown place, among unknown people and unknown energy, and you feel as if you have come home, to a warm and safe place, a place where different energies embrace, respect, and love each other. You came to a place where you were accepted whatever you were and whatever shit or butterflies you carried inside.

The winter intensive in the Velebit mountain has left an indelible mark on me that I will always keep in my heart as a wonderful memory that I will revive especially for those bad days that inevitably come here and there to make these good ones even better. It’s a place to forget about time, cell phones remain forgotten in the deep pockets of winter jackets, and all that matters is a moment that is experienced intensely and in its fullness.

Darko and Iva are an excellent combination of leaders on the way back to ourselves and at the same time on the way of connecting with each other. Each of them in their own way takes on the role of the captain of a magical ship that aims to reach the light, beauty, and simplicity of life.

Through immersion, conscious dancing, meditative walks through nature, and interconnection of all individuals in the group we reach a mystical place where all armor, all masks and all the burden fall, where tears of liberation, tears of joy, tears of understanding and support slide down the cheeks. and then smiles spread down our wet cheeks, and the room glows with an aura of love.

Here. That was Velebit for me.
