Two weeks after I started attending online group immersion sessions, a huge change happened in me.

I was simply starting to get insights showing me that what we are looking for all the time in the outside world is already in us. We are already enlightened, we are just not aware of it because of all these thoughts that are running through our heads, so we cannot see what is behind them.

I realized that each of us aspires only to that wonderful inner feeling and not to any form in the outer world. Most of us think that winning the lottery, for example, makes us happy, but money in itself is ordinary paper and nothing more, happiness does not come from paper, we feel good because of that feeling of Being which is the only reality.

Another very important insight occurred to me: all events in the outside world happen only for our own good, in order to bring us back to ourselves; for example, during the last few days, when someone insulted me, anger would appear in me, but then I would realize that I have to use that moment to accept and let that anger through me because that is the only way to heal and increase inner freedom because those are all alive wounds in our subconscious that need to be slowly made aware of and “unpleasant situations” serve us for that.

Thank you, Darko for everything.

I recommend immersion sessions to all people because it is a salvation for all human problems. Really.
