Just when I lost all strength for further “work and effort” on myself with various methods and techniques, life put this wonderful experience of Understanding and Insight on my way.

In a short time, my daily happiness came back into my life… indeed, it never went away in the first place, but it didn’t seem that way to me.

The desire for life, joy and happiness were possible again, although the external circumstances of life did not change significantly. At least not yet.

Other than that, another important change has arrived. Unlike the previous tensions and torment we have experienced due to school grades, the last three important school weeks I let my school child learn and write homework just the way and when she wants… but really, without any of my persuasion and influence. Because it no longer seemed okay for me to do it. AND…..? My child gets all clean fives (straight As) from ALL the last annual exams! She 100% correctly solved ALL exams! For me, it’s a wonderful relief from the idea that we, parents always know best for our children. It taught me a lot and now I respect both my own and her Higher Intelligence and I see that it works very well. Of course, that doesn’t mean I as a parent don’t react to some things, but the harmony is greater and the relationship better.

So thank you to everyone who helped me with that, both to Darko on our conversations and blog and to everyone around me and all the people who remind me every day of the difference between this wonderful thing that We Are and what our thoughts are.
