I will try to convey in words all the feelings that follow me from the moment I came across the Three Principles, although often there are not strong enough words to convey our feelings, but I believe that in the context of everything you will catch the rhythm I want to convey.

This is what my life looked like before the Three Principles:

I am 39 years old and for as long as I’ve known myself, I didn’t know about Love, family, understanding, warmth, Home or whatever helps us as people to become and remain socialized, empathetic… I was born from unlove, mistakes, speed, which made me a database of negativities.

I was left from the first day, without touch and love, how I lived and survived to this day I do not know. I have never met a father, and my mother is the coldest creature this Universe can produce, such a poisonous woman that you cannot comprehend the level of her evil when it comes to having a child. She remarried and brought my stepfather, a lowlife like her, to further and completely destroy the path of my youth, love and progress, which they succeeded in doing. My mother is the personification of lies, evil and not Love that no brain can digest and understand what she is able to do, just a detail, she allowed my stepfather to sexually and verbally abuse me… without any remorse… garbage of a woman… and now I actually feel pitty for her.

But the Universe obviously had a different plan for me… I surrendered to it..

I started searching for myself, for that inner peace in my early 30s… becoming slightly aware of myself, my flaws, the shortcomings of life without family, love, warmth.. It manifested itself in social contacts, relationships, friendships.

I have read tons of books, attended many seminars, gone through all possible religions and sects, I was becoming myself again and again, but not completely myself. Each book really enriched me, I was a step closer to Myself, but again 10 steps away from Myself. Of course I do not want to belittle books, profession, and no one’s experience, finally everyone has their own way of growing and finding themselves, in fact, many books, experiences, healthy and constructive seminars have helped me on my Way, but I would say personally from experience, it is in fact short-lived because you are always looking for new books, new experiences and so you are in hamster wheel syndrome.

With the experience of the THREE PRINCIPLES, you get yourself… you don’t need anyone OUTSIDE.

And so in that vortex of crumpled feelings, books, information came the Three Principles. Quite by accident, I would say, but nothing is “accidental”… something higher makes us search for something even higher.

My first conversation with Darko was enigmatic, everything he told me was contrary to what I lived, learned… “understood”. I let those thoughts flow… The first night after that conversation I didn’t sleep… the thoughts came “out of nowhere” and went “nowhere”. I tried very hard to “understand” everything Darko was telling me, but it didn’t work out. I, very proud of my academic knowledge, was furious that everything was falling apart, all my years of effort, books… there was no use.

I let go… and then unexpectedly some patterns, distractions… started falling off… God, so simple… so easy.

Mother… all my anger towards her, just turned into one big NOTHING… God so that’s just my thought… there is and there was nothing…

I felt like someone who was carrying a bag of cement on his back, and suddenly that bag is gone… no thoughts, struggles, books, seminars, that would give instructions for use, where with the bag, what moment is best to discard, what place etc.… bags are simply NO MORE. No more normabels, tears and whining to friends…

Of course there are patterns that are harder to drop off… but in a couple of conversations and 3 months I have solved something that I have been solving for 39 years.

I feel clean, like a clogged siphon…. when MUSCOLO burns all the rubbish, i.e. stale patterns AH… BREATHE FREE.

What I would convey to everyone, do not try to UNDERSTAND anything, because there is a TRAP, just try to LIVE… lightly, without academic understanding.

Let your feelings work, your thoughts too… everything else is just an obstacle to your happiness and Peace.

Thank you Darko, Thank you THREE PRINCIPLES
