Depression and anxiety are increasingly widespread phenomena in today’s society. From everyday practice of working with people I notice that these conditions, among others, increasingly affect very young people – teenagers, adolescents and those in their twenties. Sometimes these conditions are related to the circumstances that the person is going through and sometimes not.

If you suffer from depression or anxiety I believe that you often feel like you have entered into a tunnel with no light at the end. Often you do not see your way out of the situation and whatever you do to try to change it, just makes you sink deeper. This condition is often accompanied by panic attacks and physical reactions in the body – chest tightness, abdominal pain, headaches, dizziness and various forms of poor health.

Well, for all of this there is a cure and for a lot of you it is a lot closer than you think.

Probably you find it obvious that the conventional methods of “treatment” do not help. If you visit a psychiatrist, he will most likely prescribe medicines which only mute the sensations you experience, they don’t solve, and don’t cure absolutely anything. If you visit a psychotherapist, different types of analysis will only give you more to think instead of setting you free from what really is your only problem – excess thinking. If you tried various self-help  techniques and methods, you’ve probably realized that in the long run they don’t help – as soon as you start to invest effort to help yourself – you reaffirm existence, that is, the reality of the problem, creating resistance to the thoughts that create your “problem” and thus creating more thoughts, more weight.

Depression and anxiety are nothing else but too many thoughts on our mind, this is a state of firmly believing our own thoughts. And we have a lot of thoughts on our minds when we give them fuel for existence – when we engage with and believe in them – when we believe that the story they are creating is real, and we don’t see the reality – that this are just thoughts – ideas – concepts – something unreal.

Many of you will say, “Ok, I’m tormented by my own thoughts – I know that but it still doesn’t help.” As long as something is bothering us, this means that on a subconscious level we believed the idea that some of our thoughts are true – so on one (subconscious) level we do not see that thoughts are only thoughts but they look like reality to us.

The thoughts that trouble us can be diverse and the content doesn’t matter. It is important to know, not intellectually, rationally, but to really knowto see, to insightfully realize that these are just thoughts. This may seem trivial, but exactly this insight is what takes you out of depression and anxiety – when you stop believing your own thoughts, the torment stops.

Through insightful understanding of the nature and role of thought in creation of our experience of life, we cease to believe in our own thoughts and instead of fighting them we let them pass through our mind free. What happens is that the previously solid layers of beliefs are becoming thinner and more and more of our time in the background we begin to feel our original natural state – what we really are – inner peace, grounding, inner strength, lightness, clarity, simplicity, confidence, security and unconditional fulfillment.

For most people it’s very easy to get rid of anxiety or depression through this understanding, in order for the change to take place, literally only a few conversations is all it takes. This is not a technique, during these talks we do not do anything, we just relax and talk from a deep inner feeling that arises, and insights into all these things we are talking about start to emerge from within you.