In our attempt to heal and change ourselves or our lives on any level, in any way, the standard way that we take first is to try to primarily take the things into our own hands and deal with the thing. For some, it might work, but as our awakening gets closer, this story can no longer be supported. Suddenly, absolutely nothing we try works or works very superficially and temporarily. No matter how hard we try. We try all kinds of remedies, medications, techniques, methods, but somehow, they all end up as failures.

That is the sign that it is time to start seeing the bigger picture, the greatness of God, of our own deep true nature. The only thing that can change things for us at this moment is God itself. Actually, God is what always runs and changes everything, it is just that at one part of our way we don’t need to see it and can stay in the illusion that the real changes are brought by what we can call false Gods – remedies, techniques, methods, something we do in order to heal.

When the moment to wake up comes, it seems like we are suddenly facing the wall, nowhere else to go, or as we are in a tunnel with no light at the end. This is a good indicator that we are ripe to wake up. Because in the old way of functioning and seeing things, there really is nowhere to go. And we suddenly see it. Usually, this is a moment of deep despair. A moment until which we had a basic idea of separation in our minds, an idea that we need to deal with everything from our personal, seemingly separated minds and that the healing and change need to come primarily from something, something from this world of form.

After this moment, there is more and more awareness that God actually is here, not just that it is here, but that it runs everything, that everything is its will. That is the moment of surrendering the illusion of our personal will. We see that the only thing that can heal us is the will of God, anything else if seen as a fundamental source of healing is not true and we can call it false Gods. All the mechanisms through which healing may come, are just mechanisms of the will of God, they are nothing on their own.

And the mere shift in the basic idea about the source of healing is the thing that fundamentally changes our whole mindset. Suddenly it is no longer us in charge and responsible, but there is always It in the root, behind the scenes that runs the show.