By the term suffering, I mean everything in our life that troubles us: any dissatisfaction, discomfort, fear, resentment, bitterness, worry, anger…

Believing this thought is the same thing as the internal (psychological) resistance to what is. It can be extended to another form: “I want something to be different than it is.” or to the past or future: “Something should have been different than it was.” i.e. “Something should be different than I think it will be.” There are variations in which this can occur, such as: “What if something will be different than it should be?” or “I wish something was different than it was”, but the basic idea is always the same: “Something should be different than it is ”.

Is there universal criteria, the absolute truth, God’s law written in golden letters that defines how something should be? I think the majority of Christians and those who are not, but grew up in the western civilization and have the same beliefs embedded deep in the subconsciousness, could agree that such thing exists. They’d say: people should be kind to each other, we should live in harmony, wars are not supposed to happen, people should not suffer, we should not exploit each other, there should be enough jobs for everybody… all the way to personal life in which we believe e.g. that people who are married should not sleep with other people, that our children should be good at school, that we should be able to afford ourselves a holiday, that we should not be sick…

But often things are quite opposite. A lot of what we believe should be, often is not, i.e., what we think should not be still is. If God, Nature, the Universe created some universal laws about what people should be like and how things should be, why did it leave an open possibility that it can also be different? These laws were invented by the human mind, and we believe that they are something universal, universal truth. In reality, when we see that every thought that says: “Something should be different than it is.” is just a fiction of our mind, just one thought in which we believed and that has no foundation in reality, then we realize that everything is just as it is and that nothing should be different than it is, nothing is wrong. Not a single person, life situation, situation in the country, human suffering, wars, environmental crisis, nothing is wrong.

Reflect on how many times a day you believe that something is not as it should be, whether it is about you or something outside of you, forgetting that this is just your thought. This can be very useful, this is the way out of resistance. It’s enough to remember that this is just a thought. At the moment you remember this, you can feel the relief, you released part of the burden. And all your burden is nothing but resistance to what is, based in the thought: “Something is not as it should be.” and the more things you believe that for, your burden is heavier. What creates your suffering is not a situation or something in the outer world that we see as bad or wrong, i.e. different than we think it should be, but only the very thought. Every situation is neutral, it has nothing to do with how we feel.

There is something that is known to all of you who feel that there is a deeper intelligence of life, the big picture of things, Source that manifests everything there is – the story of life in the world of form. That thing is a deep “voice” that we experience and if we put it into a word it would be confidence or trust. It’s an intuitive feeling that everything is always in place, and when we feel it, as much as on the surface things can seem wrong, actually deep in ourselves we know that what creates this impression are just our personal thoughts, and underneath of them, as a real foundation, there is a deep trust in life. Situations that are happening to us and that are often interpreted as negative are designed in a way that at the time when they are happening we cannot understand why they are happening. Just when they pass we can see that they had their place and purpose in our lives. Everything is perfectly in place and perfectly plays its role in the intertwined game of life.

Awakening of trust melts the resistance in us. Suddenly we have a possibility to surrender to the mystery, to know that everything is always in place, no matter how it currently seems, and that we can let Life lead us and take care of us. Trust is based on something real – the deep inner feeling. The Universe really is always there for us, always giving us exactly what we need, whether we realize it or not.

Trust comes with the understanding of the nature of thought, with the understanding of the Three Principles.