The answer is very simple…

Anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness, worry, and everything else that comes with the package, have been my faithful companions for years. Those who struggle with such a problem know what I am talking about and that at some point you feel that nothing will help you. But by chance (or it was fate :)) I came across the Three Principles page, read what it is about, the experiences of others, and decided to give it a try. At first, it seemed abstract, because how would someone help me with a phone call? Sounds too good to be true, right? Surprising, but it was so. Already after the first conversation, things started to change, and I didn’t have to do anything, I just listened.

I can say that today I am calm, peaceful, I stopped being burdened with fear, panic, future, worries… and fear, if it ever comes, goes away in the same way… An ideal form of therapy for the lazy if it could be called that, because when you hear what you may have known deep inside, but when you really hear, things become clearer. The mind clears, things fall into place, and peace reigns…
