Whether we see it or not, our whole lives, we run after accomplishments, it may be anything from preparing lunch for the day to creating a multinational company or anything in between. Our lives pass us by while we are “accomplishing” things.

This idea of accomplishment can become so subtle and so hidden that most of the time we don’t even see it. For people on the “spiritual path”, the idea of accomplishment disguises into the search for God, for happiness or enlightenment. The content differs, but the basic structure of the program remains the same like for most of humanity.

And this idea basically rules our lives, it becomes the main impulse for any kind of action we perform during the day.

This kind of seeing things and functioning is something that is completely missing the point. After all the accomplishments, at the bottom of our subconsciousness, there is always a wish to be fulfilled, to feel fullness and everything that goes with it, to feel the point so to say, the truth. And the programs that arise from this basic wish take us to an opposite direction, further away from the fullness. The more of these programs we have and the more we believe them, the further away from the fullness we are.

Fullness is something that is always present in the background of our everyday experience.

Fullness can only be found in pure Being.

So this is a reminder of this truth. For fullness and harmony in your life, the absolutely number one most important thing is to really know and feel this deep in your heart.  Everything else is secondary. Whatever we give importance to and in our minds put it prior to pure Being (and for almost everyone, this is every single thing in their lives) just clouds and hides this infinitely simple deep basic truth. Everything seems more important than pure Being because, for the personal intellectual mind, the experience of pure Being and even the idea of pure Being is something non-existent. And by far the biggest part of everyday experience for most people is created by the personal mind. So the most important thing for most people is nowhere even in the back of their mind. Completely missing the point, all the time.

Now ask yourself, just for a moment let’s explore the idea of accomplishment, which by the way is 100% illusory, a mind made concept non existent in reality:

Can there be a bigger accomplishment than the creation of this world? Can humans create something bigger, better and more magnificent? Is it possible?”

Because this world is a creation, created by something that deep down, we already are. So from this perspective, anything that we can think of in terms of being an accomplishment for us is absolutely insignificant compared to what is already “accomplished”. So then, see your ambitions and your striving, ideas of accomplishment for what they really are — clouds of illusion in your mind, just stories that hypnotize you and make you believe they are real.

There is nothing to reach, nowhere to get to, everything is already accomplished, everything is already here. Was is and will be.

Just live, just be, just experience.

Every moment is special, every moment is magic, every moment is sacred. Respect it, don’t ignore it for a “greater cause”.