I first got rid of the past from which I drew resentment all my life towards my mother, who left me to my grandmother while she was in Germany, so we later had a bad relationship. It wasn’t that I forgave her but it was suddenly like I had nothing to forgive her… everything disappeared and a healthy love for her returned! The same thing happened with all those thoughts that I thought about myself regarding the past… like that I was damaged because of the past. I realized that I was thinking like that because that’s how we are taught and thus I justified part of the dissatisfaction in my present…

I realized where my failure was coming from… from that insecurity I got entangled in… So I fell in love with myself again and accepted myself as I am and at the same time experienced a big feeling that for me everything is just beginning and that everything should have been just like that… The present was getting more and more beautiful…

For a while, I couldn’t understand what to do with the fear of the future.
In the meantime, as the insights came, I began to remember that many times I had the feeling that I was not alone. It used to be unclear to me why that Adriana is doing some hasty nonsense when I somehow know that I’m not just that Adriana but more than that, something wise and calm… I’ve also seen many times that sometimes good ideas appear when you least expect and look for them… It was also one of them because that is what led me to realize that I have no reason to be afraid of the future… because the best things in life come by themselves!!

Seeing all this, Adriana became happy, safe, calm, reconciled with herself and others, a cheerful and pleasant person who does not bear the burden of the past, is not afraid of the future but enjoys the present!!!

I was very lucky that my husband accepted it very well because he himself believes that something guides him all his life and that it guides him well if he is relaxed and surrendered… So I could immediately share it all with him and his reaction was instant kindness and love…

The change in my attitude towards him, towards the work he does, also caused a change in him… instead of my grunting that he is late … after a hard day, he got a warm smile, love and respect. So we both regained the time we have for ourselves, for the children and not for arguing and blaming.

With the disappearance of my insecurity, the resentment of him going somewhere without me disappears. But he no longer does it in spite and force… but in agreement and shares everything with me… so it becomes something of ours again.

But now that I realized that my happiness was there, in me, I could let go of those thoughts that told me that I must be unhappy when he is gone and only happy and calm when he is there.

My relationship with my sons was not bad, although this younger one / 10 years old started to close and became dissatisfied. I used to criticize him if he was rude to his sister / 17 months and now I approach him with positivity and love and he opened up to me. In the evening they call me into the room to chat and don’t let me go. The older son shows a bit of interest in 3P… He likes the new situation… haha… who wouldn’t?

From the breakup of a family… to a perfectly harmonious family – the difference is huge!!

Instead of quarreling, nervousness, raised tones and insecurity to warm words, loud infectious laughter, love, patience, agreement, peace, trust!!!
Here is the result of my insight into the Three Principles!! That peace, pleasure, relaxation, trust… but also with such clarity that I can see better that I know and feel better…

From all this arose my need to continue learning and to spread what I know…
That’s my direction… I don’t know where it will take me… Will I ever be successful in it, it doesn’t matter to me… so far I have what I know now, this wonderful experience of mine and I think that’s enough to encourage someone for exploration.
Maybe someone in their bad moment sticks to some post on my page and starts an avalanche of goodness which then spreads further to others.

It’s amazing how it spreads… because when you have light, no one can make it dark anymore… your light keeps shining…
