So, let’s get back to the basics. What are we, human beings, in our ignorance doing in this life most of the time? What are we seeking? What most of our endeavors come down to, at least before the Understanding awakens in us? Why do we do the things we do?

We seek some basic feelings, we want to feel good, that is, to feel fulfilled, peaceful, connected, free, to feel abundance, direction, clarity… It’s that simple, that is what everybody wants. And all that doesn’t come from something, from the world of form, but is intrinsic to what we are. We can just recognize we already are all that. This fact is the central point of this whole Understanding.

However, before we recognize this crucial fact, we believe, that is, the personal mind believes that we will get that from the outside world. We believe we need to deal with it, make effort, achieve something, have this or that, be it objects, money, people, kinds of lifestyle, or anything else. We can project the idea of gaining something to anything. And the more we project this Outside-In idea, the more we get attached to the attempt of controlling the circumstances and subjecting them to our will. And of course the more we try to do this, the more lost we get.

And in this attempt, of course, we do what makes sense to us, everybody does what makes sense to them. We try to get those things for which we believe that they will bring us the things we seek, the basic feelings of fulfillment. We all have different ideas of what that might be, but the basic mechanism is the same. We all function in the same way. And that understood, people can’t be blamed for anything they do. They always do what makes sense to their logic, their idea of what will bring them fulfillment. So to say, people are just victims of their beliefs. And all of us carry a certain amount of beliefs, it’s the human condition, all of us in a certain degree, some of us more, some of us less, believe in the Outside-In illusion.

And as you may have already noticed, beliefs are something we don’t consciously choose, we pick them up here and there, innocently, so to say, no matter how horrible the content might seem to someone. So even if we would like to believe something else or believe less, it’s not up to us. We are all basically innocent.