Impressions After a Trip-retreat in Thailand

The universe put everything in order and just waited for my acceptance of the challenges and confirmation of my readiness to overcome the inexplicable fear of travel. The last check was, “Okay. If my physical and mental condition is at peace by Wednesday, I will buy a ticket to Bangkok ”. And I bought it.

17 days in Thailand, with 12 new people in my life… it was an unusual decision for me. I experienced the beauties of Thailand through these 12 wonderful people.

I met the girl inside me again and all her needs. I was able to follow in detail every vibration or spasm of the body with each re-exposure to individuals in the group. It was as if I had to earn a place under the sun again.

It was wonderful to notice how the fears melt away and how I can accept myself just the way I am. I was enough, just like that. It was very interesting for me to get closer to the people who were so far away from me at the beginning of the trip. Getting to know myself through them and realizing that we have similar fears, but we cover them up with different masks… was invaluable.

Many of my limitations have fallen off through this journey, and I have been helped in this by a group and individuals who have uttered the right words of encouragement and healing at the right time.

I am immensely grateful for this experience!
