As I write this I am on a 12-hour non-stop flight. Everybody has a screen in front of them, on the back of the next seat. And there is a set of movies to choose from. So if you stand up you can see what everybody is watching.

And it came to me clearly, how pathetic our standard everyday mainstream habitual choice of movies is. Just like in most aspects of human life, the most stupid and useless stuff sells the best.

So the pattern of these, most popular movies which the system feeds us with and pushes in front of our eyes is next: a lot of violence, fast-changing scenes, stupidity, and emptiness – no soul or originality whatsoever. This as it seems makes a magical formula for a commercial movie for the masses. Which is not a surprise actually if you think of it, concerning the collective state of mind.

These movies reflect and further consolidate the standard distorted worldview, they implant the brainwashing and the programming a bit deeper.

Did you ever ask yourself why is there so much violence in movies? One reason is that, just like other characteristics that I mentioned, it resonates with the state of mind of most people, it’s the same frequency, the same story. Another more dangerous and distorting thing is that it confirms and deepens the ideas of duality in the human mind. There is always us versus them, good guys and bad guys, always a battle. By taking in this information we unconsciously add them to our already present ideas of separation. And this creates more of a feeling that life is a battle, that there are enemies at every step, and that we need to defeat them.

Which is not how existence actually works. That is how the brainwashed human mind works and these ideas take us further away from the truth and harmony. The only truth is unity and the only way to uncover harmony is to discover this unity of all there is.

At the same time, there are so many beautiful works of art, beautiful movies made out of true inspiration and talent. Original and soulful creations. The thing is these ones are a bit rarer and harder to find, we need to invest a bit more energy to find them.. or just stay open for them. Anyway, it’s worth it. They enrich our lives instead of waste our time.

One of them is this beautiful fairy tale I’m sharing with you today. It’s the opposite of everything about these garbage mainstream generic movies. It is full, original, visually beautiful, simple, slow, and shows life as it really is – a temporary phenomenon free from additions of the human mind, ideas of right and wrong, of false ideals. It just flows, it just is and it is beautiful, it is a miracle whichever way it turns.