Notice the difference in how you feel about what you are doing and about yourself in general between times when you go after your work, project, daily duties, or whatever it is from a feeling that you need to work on them and put effort into them for them to be a success or to get them done at all and on the other hand, times when you feel the deeper feeling, deeper voice that knows that everything is already going its way, everything already is the Flow. Maybe you didn’t pay attention to this difference and didn’t call it these names, but I’m sure if you look at your days and weeks more closely, you will see that it is there. Some days, everything is easier and simpler, other days, it’s harder and more complicated with no apparent reason. 

From the point of view of being in the flow, you see that there is no need for you to do anything, at any given moment, you can work on your project or you can spend a day resting in the park, either way, you know that things are already going their way and that what makes the project possible from your side is your genuine inspiration

That means that when your mind is not clouded by the idea of fundamental separation between you and everything else and the need to fix your life and everything in it yourself, you see the deeper, natural, very clear voice of inner guidance, that is – of your inspiration. You clearly feel true inspiration at any specific moment and just do that, do what you want in that moment. 

Everything gets perfectly simple. 

At the same time, what is most important, you surrender the outcome of any project in your life to the Bigger Picture, to the Universe, God, Flow, Great Spirit or whatever you want to call it. Without this surrendering it is impossible to really let yourself into the Flow and really listen to your true inner navigation, your inspiration. Because if you are not surrendered, it always seems that something, this or that is on your shoulders to be carried out, taken care of, controlled. And this creates a lot of unnecessary thinking which additionally clouds your wisdom and clarity.

It’s like you are riding on a train, from one city to another, and on the train, all the seats are occupied so you need to travel standing up. At one point you realize you are carrying this huge and heavy bag of potatoes on your back. At another moment, a moment of realization and surrender, you realize that you can just put it onto the floor of the train. You can surrender the bag to the train so to say. It will reach it’s destination either way. You don’t need to carry it. What a relief. 

When you do anything from a state of Flow, everything comes your way, everything fits perfectly, everything connects. Instructions are coming from within all the time, in your mind you always have the right answer to the situation that presents itself in front of you. And you “accomplish” (I put the quotation marks because in the end you realize it is not you but it is Life itself playing in your life) much more in much less time. Suddenly you have much more time in your day. Suddenly all the variables which seemed unconnectable or connectable only by strict control and a lot of effort, get into harmony, harmony emerges in all areas of your life. 

So it is more important to enjoy than to work. 

What pulls you, inspires you in the moment, what is the number one thing you would really like to do now? What would you enjoy the most right now? 

Whatever the answer is, doing that thing is what will guide you to the path of harmony. And that is why it is more important to follow your passion, inspiration and enjoyment then listen to the voice that says that you have to work in order to achieve this or that or get here or there. Actually listening to that voice is not important at all, it is counterproductive in getting you to a state and circumstances you really wanna be in. 

And the only thing you need to do is surrender your life and follow your inspiration. Actually you can not do it in the way we are used to do something, it’s more that it has to happen by itself. And in a way when it happens, you have a feeling that both, you did it and also it happened by itself. Because, after all, you are itself.