All Previously Imagined Anxiety Is Gone

The door to the present moment. Liberation from concepts. Magic that starts to happen on it's own. I just let myself go. Really a beautiful feeling. Insights. This is the way back to my soul, to the true self. The mind does not have to and cannot know how the magic that is created through conversation, the relationship of souls, works, but it definitely has its way. And yes, we don't have to...

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All That Matters Is a Moment That Is Experienced Intensely and in Its Fullness

A Personal Experience of a 5-day Mountain Retreat When you come to an unknown place, among unknown people and unknown energy, and you feel as if you have come home, to a warm and safe place, a place where different energies embrace, respect, and love each other. You came to a place where you were accepted whatever you were and whatever shit or butterflies you carried inside.The winter intensive...

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I Was at the Bottom of Life

You know, I am writing this for myself but also for all those who will be inspired and encouraged by this story. It took me a long time to put all the parts of my life into sentences because I thought I would need a lot of sentences… but at the end of this story, you will see that not just one sentence, but just one word is enough.I met Three Principles and Darko about four years ago. I was at...

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I Felt Like I Had Found Everything

Impressions After a Weekend Seminar Hi teacher, the confusion slowly subsides and the clarity of everything that happened yesterday springs up.I am joyful and grateful that I put in the effort and took the time for the seminar. Something very beautiful happened to me, recognition, insight, contact with the Absolute happened. That connection said to me: Darina, the search is over, you have...

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Those Real, Deep Changes

For me, my childhood wasn't easy. Every morning I was woken up by my mom yelling at dad for yesterday’s drunkenness, and throughout the day I would see him drunk and causing quarrels. My resentment and condemnation toward my father followed me all my life. In addition, the constant worry of whether I will have enough money for what I need and what I want has most often resulted in me not having...

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Patterns Began to Disintegrate

It all started with petty fears and background dissatisfaction that I barely noticed. And then one day I was washed away by such a panicky fear that for days I frantically thought about what was happening to me.This was followed by analyzing, endless thoughts, working on myself, techniques, methods.And then Darko "called" me to him. While talking to him, a lot of things became clear to me, he...

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For a Long Time, I Struggled With Panic Attacks

For a long time, I struggled with panic attacks in the form of intense heart beating, each time thinking it was the end - "Heart beating, I will die, my heart will stop!" And for years I dealt with these situations by accumulating destructive thoughts of resistance that consisted of new piles of ideas… how to solve it, how to get rid of it. And then, after I came across the Three Principles… a...

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It Was Clear to Me That My Emotion Had Nothing to Do With My Children

A Personal Impression of a Group Online Session From the very beginning of the session I started to immerse myself in presence, I managed to relax and really enjoy. Although my mind kept pushing, I managed to feel the beauty of Being.After immersion, for about half an hour, a recent situation became completely clear to me.I recently met a neighbor on a walk and in a pleasant conversation, she...

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Something You Always Knew, and Yet You Don’t Know Until You Really Feel It

Everything is so simple…From panic attacks to constant fear, anxiety and analysis of everything, worries, annoyances and attempts to sort everything out by myself, I just made things worse. I watched everything fall apart and sank deeper and deeper into despair, fear, worries - depression and anxiety, and the culmination of it all was the breakup of a 5-year relationship and one long friendship....

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My Daily Happiness Came Back Into My Life

Just when I lost all strength for further "work and effort" on myself with various methods and techniques, life put this wonderful experience of Understanding and Insight on my way.In a short time, my daily happiness came back into my life… indeed, it never went away in the first place, but it didn’t seem that way to me.The desire for life, joy and happiness were possible again, although the...

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Many of My Limitations Have Fallen off Through This Journey

Impressions After a Trip-retreat in Thailand The universe put everything in order and just waited for my acceptance of the challenges and confirmation of my readiness to overcome the inexplicable fear of travel. The last check was, “Okay. If my physical and mental condition is at peace by Wednesday, I will buy a ticket to Bangkok ”. And I bought it.17 days in Thailand, with 12 new people in my...

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I Was Simply Starting to Get Insights

Two weeks after I started attending online group immersion sessions, a huge change happened in me.I was simply starting to get insights showing me that what we are looking for all the time in the outside world is already in us. We are already enlightened, we are just not aware of it because of all these thoughts that are running through our heads, so we cannot see what is behind them.I realized...

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I Felt as if the Foundations of My Reality Were Collapsing Like a Tower of Cards

After 6 years of searching to improve my living experience and countless books, articles, videos, experiments, successes, and failures - I found what I was looking for.I used to know exactly what I needed to do in my daily life to generally feel good, but… even though I knew what I needed to do, I didn’t do it. This situation was very interesting to me (and frustrating at the same time) because...

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She Chirps and I Love Her!

Except for the fact that I feel the wind on my face when I ride my bike out of town after doing my duties (the wind was also present before but I didn't feel it) and besides the fact that I have more will to live, I'm also lighter as if a big burden has fallen.There are two big indicators that amaze me and it seems to me that life is magic:I started writing my professional texts suddenly after a...

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My Experience From Thailand

After many years of "working" on myself and literally "swallowing" spiritual books, everything I came across had a short-term effect and there was always something "needed" or something "missing". Although working on myself has become a hobby, I have always believed that there is “something” that does not have to be done, practiced, meditated, "mantrated"… and the only thing I was looking for...

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I Am No Longer the Same

I have no idea where I would start from, still impressed and with an indescribable feeling of love and peace within me.The end of another difficult year, at least, is approaching, but I can say with certainty that meeting you is the best decision of the year, of my life.Life is no longer the same, I am no longer the same, and did it take so little ?!The feeling of being lost and apathy for life...

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The Beauty of Simplicity

I have a need to share my experience because it was wonderful and it still is. I thought I was going into this story without expectations because my life was pretty fast-paced and I didn’t have much time to research where I was actually going. I thought I was going to be completely open to the experience but in fact, it was only after I experienced it that I realized which thoughts I entered it...

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I Started to Have Time

And so I set out on this journey quite by accident. The reason is as follows. After many years of struggling with myself, my impatience, dissatisfaction with everybody and everything, visiting a psychiatrist, drinking antidepressants and more and more bad things, disagreeing on everything with my partner... one day I don't even know how, I came to the Three Principles. Not exactly with some...

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I Know That Everything Will Be Fine

A Message I Recieved After a Seminar on the Topic of Work and Finances Dear Darko,I enjoyed the seminar you held on Sunday and I had no idea how much it would mean to me!But, as it already happens, Life writes novels… So, I live in Pancevo (Serbia) with my husband and two school-age children, I work as a high school teacher, my husband is a handball coach, I have a bank loan (of course), all in...

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New Dawn

My Experience of Meeting Three Principles I suffer from a mental illness, bipolar disorder. My Diary - Excerpts From the Diary From the Period Before Meeting Three Principles Let's start with my troubles. Every time I relax, an old pain, injury, discomfort or just a habit breaks out. Now my leg hurts from the hip down and I can’t sleep from the pain. Like everything in life, nothing is ideal,...

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