Three years of hell. That is how I’d describe my mental state until a month ago. Constant worry, restlessness, pile of negative thoughts, absence, constantly returning to the past and concerning about the future, non accepting myself and analyzing everything. This is only a fraction of the state I lived in. Every day was a struggle with myself and my surroundings. Constant resistance, forcing things that are just not happening.

A few years of such life with few extremely difficult and stressful situations led me to a state of severe anxiety that mostly reflected in social situations in which i used to have panic attacks. The peak of my suffering and the point of rupture was the brake up of a nine-year relationship. That was when anxiety hit me strongest. People who have been through all of this know that it’s a state of hell in your head. You are here, but you are not.

I tried absolutely everything. From antidepressants (although I was aware that I don’t need them), writing a diary, working with positive affirmations, yoga, bioenergy, gym… Nothing worked and it made me more and more desperate, the fact that you try and work on yourself, and absolutely nothing helps. Each time, my condition grew darker, deeper and worse. I’ve tried everything. Even some things that I wouldn’t consider smart and healthy nor would recommend to anyone. Nothing… And then, when I literally gave up on everything and accepted the fact that this is probably my destiny and that’s it, accidentally I stumbled upon Darko and the Three Principles.

Already after the first session, I felt something began to change radically. I couldn’t name it or define it, but it was present in me and just grew day to day. With each conversation, I felt more freedom, peace, happiness and absolute acceptance. What a relief. Rebirth. Every day my insights are becoming stronger and deeper. I found what I was looking for for years. That something was always in me. Although not a full month has passed since introduction to Darko and Three Principles, I have a huge positive change. I find it hard to describe in words. At the same time, everything is the same, but nothing is the same any more.

I am a new person. Better, stronger and bigger. I do not regret anything. I’m happy. I am free. I’m full of energy. I have a feeling of “butterflies” in my belly. I finally started to breathe. All is as it should be. I no longer analyse, I think less. Of course, there are certain times when again I “go” somewhere, but very quickly I am back and I remind myself that these are just my thoughts, mind construction that has no foundation in reality.

Thanks to Darko I finally found myself and realized myself and life. I fell in love with life and this feeling. Everything I feel, insights that I have, all this experience, is priceless. Every day I am grateful for meeting Darko and I cannot believe that all I have always searched for was within me all the time.

Darko, thank you very much! 🙂
