At the base of our subconscious psychological system (if such a thing exists at all :)) stands a belief. Our assumption, i.e. the answer to the question: Who am I?

Since we live as human beings in the material world (or so it seems :)), there is a logical conclusion: I am something. It is the root belief from which countless others emerge. The first of them would be the following: I am a man, a human being, then an infinitely wide range of our identifications is formed. I’m a husband, lover, mother, wife, son, daughter, teacher, scientist, artist, successful, fit, unfit, smart, stupid, drunk, beautiful, ugly, interesting, boring, good, just, moral, conscientious, self-centered, insecure, weak, strong … and so on and on.

And the truth is more of a spiritual character. All the above does not exist. So even we as SOMETHING don’t exist. What exists is only this moment in which from the formlessness of the Source various thoughts emerge into consciousness. Among them also the thoughts of Who am I and What am I like.

Our mind insists that we are something, whatever it was. And we actually are not anything. I.e. it would be better to say: We are nothing.